East Ottawa Wine Tour
East Ottawa Wine Tour
East Ottawa Wine Tour
East Ottawa Wine Tour
East Ottawa Wine Tour
East Ottawa Wine Tour
East Ottawa Wine Tour
East Ottawa Wine Tour

East Ottawa Wine Tour

Regular price $159.00 Sale

Duration: 6 hours 

Take a trip along Ottawa's pioneer wine trail, starting with a visit to Domaine Perrault in Navan for a guided winery tour and tastings of three estate wines at Ottawa's oldest vineyard.

Next, you'll be transported to the heart of Navan's "Little Switzerland" at Vignoble Clos du Vully to indulge in tastings of six artisan wines paired with home-made, savoury Swiss cake under the willow trees of the farmhouse lawn. 

Finally, we wrap up the day with a visit to picturesque Les Vergers Villeneuve & Blueberry Farm in Saint-Pascal-Baylon for a farm tour and samples of 8-10 fruit wines, expertly crafted and paired with local artisan charcuterie and St. Albert's cheeses.

Bus Pickup/Drop-off Locations & Times: 

St. Laurent Shopping Centre, Parking Lot 5 North (off Coventry Rd.)
1200 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa

Pickup: 11:00 a.m.
Drop-off: 5:00 p.m.

**Note** With advance notice, we're happy to arrange a special pickup/drop-off for you at Carlingwood Mall.

Customer Testimonial:
"The tour was very well organized!! We had a blast for a bachelorette, worry free! Drink and board the bus for safety! Can’t ask for better! The organizer was wonderful! Plus we got to enjoy local wineries, something I wouldn’t have experienced otherwise. Thank you for a beautiful day!" - Valerie LP